20 September 2011

[rfs-bluemountains-information] Fire update: Olympian Parade, Leura

Good Morning Everyone,

Crews from NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire & Rescue NSW remain on-scene at the bushfire that started yesterday afternoon near Olympian Parade at Leura. There is currently no property under threat.

A "Watch and Act" advice is current for this fire.

Conditions may be changing. Continue to monitor the situation and follow your Bush Fire Survival Plan.

There are currently 12 fire trucks in and around Olympian Parade, prepared to provide property protection to local homes should the fire activity increase.

A helicopter reconnisance will be launching at approximately 07:00am this morning to overfly the fire and provide ground crews with a more detailed picture of what the fire is or may be doing.

The weather forecast for today includes very strong winds, which have the potential to increase fire activity. Naturally firefighters will remain on-scene and prepared should this happen.

Fire Behaviour:
• Variable based on local conditions
Fire Intensity:
• Fires can be controlled
• Spot fires can occur close to the main fire
Fire Impact:
• Loss of life unlikely and damage to property will be limited
• Well prepared and actively defended houses can offer safety during a fire

Under these conditions, fires can be difficult to control. Embers may be blown ahead of the fire, creating spot fires. These spot fires may threaten your home earlier than the predicted main fire front.

Other information
• If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
• Continue to stay up to date with the bush fire situation by checking http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au<http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/>, listening to your local radio station or by calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737.
• If you live in the area but are away from home, it may not be safe to return to your property.
The next update on this fire will be issued by 10:00am or if the situation changes.


Inspector Eric Berry
Community Safety Officer
Blue Mountains District
Cnr Valley and Bathurst Roads
Katoomba NSW 2780

T: 02 4784 7444
M: 0414 195 615
F: 02 4784 7461
