20 September 2011

[rfs-bluemountains-information] 10:00hrs Fire Update 20/09/2011 - Leura

Information on fire activity in the Olympian Parade, Leura area
Issued at 20 September 2011 at 10.00am
A bushfire is burning in the Olympian Parade, Leura area. The fire is currently 4 hectares in size and is out of control.
The fire is burning in high fire danger and is currently less than 2 hours from properties.
Under these conditions, fires can be difficult to control. Embers may be blown ahead of the fire, creating spot fires. These spot fires may threaten your home earlier than the predicted fire front.
Increasing strong winds are creating small areas of increased fire intensity. Fire may begin to spread rapidly and has the potential to impact on properties.
Crews from NSW RFS, FRNSW and NPWS are currently deployed for property protection should it be required. Aircraft are also being utilised for water bombing.
  • A ‘Watch and Act’ advice is current for this fire. There is a heightened level of threat.
  • Well prepared and actively defended houses can offer safety during a fire.
  • Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan
  • If your life is at risk call triple zero (000) immediately.
  • Updates on this fire are also available at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au or by calling call 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)
  • For information on road conditions or closures, please call the NSW RTA on 131 700 or check www.rta.nsw.gov.au. Remember roads may be closed without warning.
  • For information on closures of National Parks associated with this fire, please visit www.npws.nsw.gov.au
  • If you need to report a new fire or require urgent assistance, dial Triple Zero (000).
Authorised by Incident Controller Robert Vinzenz, Blue Mountains Fire Control Centre.
Issued by the Incident Management Team on behalf of the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service.
Inspector Eric Berry
Community Safety Officer
NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE                         
Blue Mountains District
Cnr Valley and Bathurst Roads
Katoomba NSW 2780
T: 02 4784 7444
M: 0414 195 615
F: 02 4784 7461