03 January 2012

No fires without a permit!

Over the past few weeks there has been a proliferation (a rapid increase in numbers) of illegal fires. It appears that the majority of these are people burning off on private property without a permit.

The statutory Bush Fire Danger Period runs from October 1st to March 31st. If you are planning to light a fire in the open during this time, you will need a permit!

You will also need to obtain an “Open Burning Approval” from Blue Mountains City Council. Some properties in rural areas of the Mountains have a "class exemption", whilst those properties in and around the townships generally do not (with a very few exemptions).

You may also need an environmental approval or Hazard Reduction Certificate (HRC) from the RFS.

Fire permits are not required for fires for the purpose of heating or cooking, provided that:
- the fire is in a permanently constructed fireplace;
- at a site surrounded by ground that is cleared of all combustible materials for a distance of at least two metres all around;
- The fire is completely extinguished before leaving

Substantial fines and prison terms of up to 12 months may apply to persons who light fires without a permit & appropriate approvals.

For information about Open Burning in the Blue Mountains, visit http://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/ and search for “open air burning”.

For information about a Fire Permit, visit http://tinyurl.com/fire-permit.

To apply for a permit, or a Hazard Reduction Certificate, contact the RFS District Office on 02 4784 7444.