04 July 2011

[rfs-bluemountains-information] Strange emails

Hi Everyone!
Most of you will be as surprised as I am to have seen a rogue email turn up yesterday. We’ve no idea how this happened, but it has given me something to puzzle over for the next few days. As we all know the internet can be a strange place, but this has just taken it to a whole new level. Perhaps it’s like those instances where a letter gets lost in a post office for years before being found under a piece of furniture?
Apologies to everyone for this rather embarrassing glitch. I hope we can figure it out so it doesn’t happen again.
(now back from leave)
Inspector Eric Berry
Community Safety Officer
NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE                         
Blue Mountains District
Cnr Valley and Bathurst Roads
Katoomba NSW 2780
T: 02 4784 7444
M: 0414 195 615
F: 02 4784 7461