13 April 2011

Prescribed Burn (HR) Notification

Please be advised that the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Hawkesbury Area is intending to undertake prescribed (hazard reduction) burning from the morning of Thursday 14 April 2011 until the evening of Friday 15 April 2011.
Weather permitting, units from NPWS, assisted by Brigades from the NSW Rural Fire Service, will be carrying out a hazard reduction burn over the next couple of days at the following location:
Name of HR:   Faulconbridge Ridge East HR
Location:       North of Faulconbridge township along Grose Road and Faulconbridge Ridge Fire Trail to the Grose River and east to Faulconbridge Creek.
Size:            780 hectares (approx)
There may be some amount of smoke in the vicinity after 09:00hrs Thursday (14/04/11). There will be at least one helicopter involved in aerial incendiary work and, if required, making water drops. NPWS crews and Firefighters will be in attendance throughout the activity.
Residents around the hazard reduction burn areas are reminded to take the following precautions:
  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering homes
  • Keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns
  • Retract pool covers to prevent ember damage
  • Remove washing from clotheslines
  • Ensure pets have a protected area
  • Vehicles must slow down, keep windows up, turn headlights on
  • Sightseers must keep away from burns for their own safety
  • If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities if smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice
For further information please contact the NPWS Richmond Office on 4588 2400.
The NSW Rural Fire Service is providing this public information service on behalf of the Blue Mountains Bush Fire Management Committee and the Hawkesbury Bush Fire Management Committee.
Rob Vinzenz
A/District Manager / Operations Officer
Inspector Eric Berry
Community Safety Officer
NSW RURAL FIRE SERVICE                         
Blue Mountains District
Cnr Valley and Bathurst Roads
Katoomba NSW 2780
T: 02 4784 7444
M: 0414 195 615
F: 02 4784 7461