Good Morning Everyone,
There are two items I would like to bring to everyone's attention today - both of which are survey-related. By taking a bit of your time you will be able to highlight how and where we can make improvements to the services we provide to you, our community, in the key areas of bushfire information and education.
Firstly, the NSW Rural Fire Service is planning to redesign its public website. In order to do this in a way that will better service our community, the first thing to do is ask our community how we can make things better. The outcome of the new design will also then flow down to our local District website, with which most of you are familiar already, as we use the same template.
For more information about this survey, go to Please make sure you answer all of the questions on the survey, otherwise it won't let you hit the "submit" button.
There is also an opportunity to participate in the next stage of the website redevelopment (website layout) based on your own background or area of interest. Once again, this is all detailed at
The direct link to the survey is
Secondly, Sean Bull, from UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) is undertaking research titled " Attitudes, Legislation and Survival - Impacts on Dwellings in Bushfire Prone Areas" and is looking for residents of bushfire-prone areas to answer a survey related to this research. The questions cover such areas as preparation, plans and experiences. As you know, the RFS in the Blue Mountains is committed to continuous improvement and the results of Sean's survey will also be able to give us some solid evidence on what things we can focus on in the future.
Sean is a Blue Mountains local and obviously is keen to have as much input from Mountains residents as possible. To participate in this survey (which should only take 5 or 10 minutes to fill out), email Sean at with the heading "Survey" and he will forward you a copy.
Finally, as always, I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to share this information freely. It is only by your participation that we can do a better job.
Inspector Eric J Berry
Community Safety Officer
Blue Mountains District
NSW Rural Fire Service
Community Safety Officer
Blue Mountains District
NSW Rural Fire Service
Working towards a FireWise community
Emergency Services Centre
Cnr Bathurst Rd & Valley Rd
Cnr Bathurst Rd & Valley Rd
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